Sound installation | wall paintings, screen, video projector (8 sec video loop, Superman, Warner, 1978), table, sound system
Wohnmaschine, Berlin, 2001
In the exhibition steady, Robert Lippok pointed to a dynamic cluster of different rep- resentative and communicative forms. Music and everyday noises, mural and video loop, self-made and found objects, the analogue and the digital: all these create loose links. Lippok’s sampling and processing of image and sound fragments leads to a process of co-operation and opposition, whereby stable transitions between the individual media always evolve only temporarily. Images and sounds refer to each other, certainly, but inner boundaries and breaks nonetheless remain.
‘steady’, therefore, does not lead to a friction- less ‘crossover’; instead, Lippok ‘disturbs’ the far-flung references using opposing demands and self-limitations.
The associative, dazzling ‘steady’ – space was completed by monochrome mural works suggestive of specific places, helping visitors to imagine a migrating architecture